Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Ishmael originally written in 1977 by Daniel Quinn tells all the ways humans are destroying the planet and are completely blind to the fact. He believes the biggest mistake made by mankind was the agricultural revolution and being able to grow unlimited amounts of food, and stay settled in one area. This led to the growth of populations and the ability to maintain a higher carry capacity. The problem is that with the use of this land and growing populations we are decreasing our carrying capacity, which is defined as the amount of species in a population which can be sustained with the given resources. Once carrying capacity is reached we will reach the breaking point, and our populations will begin to stable off, by means of nature such as starvation, war, and other natural tragedies.

The book has been turned into a novel since the original copy. Now is turned into a book about a student who learns how to have an "earnest desire to save the world" from a Silver Backed Gorilla, named Ishmael. He teaches the narrator about the balance of life, and how every animal has obeyed the rules of life until the humans. The humans came and believed they were better than the gods created them to be. This false belief is what is predetermined in everyone and that the earth was made for humans and is here to do what we please.

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