Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Blessing the Animals

Dr. Goodall brings up a good point that population control seems to frighten people and cause them to look the other way, particularly because no one likes to be "controlled." She believes the problem of overpopulation lies within the developing nations, where they do not have the same access to food and resources that developed nations do. Also the culture of these third world nations has changed, whereas there used to be enough land to support generations of families now there are too many people to stay in one small area. So the answer is to move away or have smaller families.

I believe Dr.Goodall is right that the overpopulation directly affecting humans issue is most relevant in the developing nations. I also believe that lack of food is only one small aspect of overpopulation and is not the most important. When talking about global destruction; pollution, deforestation and global warming the developing nations are contributing less than a fraction of what wealthier nations are.

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