Abbott, Matt. "The Population Control Controversy." RenewAmerica. 2 June 2005. Web. 13 Apr. 2010.
This article discusses the problems humans are facing due to over-population. How developed nations seem not to notice the problem nearly as much as the developing third world nations. The author seems to believe that over population isn’t as much as a problem as educating the less developed countries about birth control and keeping the population more stable.
Busan, Vince. "Overpopulation: The World's Problem." 11 Dec. 2005. Web. 13 Apr. 2010.
The author of this article discusses all the negative things that come about because of overpopulation. First he states that only 3 percent of all the water on earth is fresh water, and majority of that water is trapped in polar ice caps. This means that the other 97 percent is salt water and the process of desalinization or making salt water fresh is a very expensive process, and has only been successful in Saudi Arabia. Next the author mentions that fresh water is needed in nearly every type of food production from agriculture and farming to feeding animals being raised for food production.
"Blessing the Animals." Interview by Alan Jones., 1 May 2002. Web. 13 Apr. 2010.
Jane Goodall a well known primatologist, ethologist and anthropologist believes that the overpopulation issue is not only effecting the way humans live but also the environment and all types of life. She believes that saying controlling the population seems to scare people away because of the controlling aspect. Also that the problem is not so much in the developed wealthier nations, in fact Europe and the United States are experiencing a negative population growth. The problem lies within the developing nations that do not have the resources or money to provide for themselves or their families.
Hoevel, Ann. "Overpopulation Could Be People, Planet Problem -" - Breaking News, U.S., World, Weather, Entertainment & Video News. Cable News Network. Web. 13 Apr. 2010.
The author of this article starts by giving a statistic that by 2050, India’s population will surpass China making it the largest populated country. Also India is now in the process of becoming a developed country so by 2050 the country will have more wealth and fewer resources than ever. The author then quotes a professor at the Georgia Institute of Technology, "Nothing ever continues at its present rate, neither the stock market nor population growth." She believes that even as inhumane as it is to leave starving children, this is all part of the life cycle.
Hopkins, James. "Overpopulation: The Human Population Crisis." Cosmosmith Creations T-Shirts: Animal T-Shirts, Funny T-Shirts, Political T Shirts, Pirate T Shirts, Etc. Web. 03 May 2010.
This article really focuses on the exponential growth rate of humans, since 1807 at 1 billion to nearly 7 billion today only 203 years later. His concern seems to be more about the growth of developed nations rather than third world and less developed nations. This is simply due to the fact that we consume much greater amounts of renewable and nonrenewable resources than the less fortunate countries. He believes we need to find a stable balance with nature otherwise we will end up destroying the human population and all of planet earth.
Overpopulation, Experts Say." ScienceDaily 20 April 2009. 13 April 2010 /releases/2009/04/090418075752.htm
Professors from the SUNY College of Environmental Forestry and Climate believe that overpopulation is the world’s top environmental issue. They put it at the top because it ties to all other environmental problems. For example if there was no problem with overpopulation global warming would never be a concern.
Quinn, Daniel. Ishmael. New York: Bantam/Turner Book, 1995. Print.
The book Ishmael won the fellowship award, created for books offering positive solutions to global problems. The book deals with the most challenging problems humans have ever faced, how to save the world from ourselves. Mr. Quinn believes that humankind made itself a deadly tyrant, trying to take over the planet from everything that got in its way. He believes we are on a crash course for destruction and pushing the gas pedal. He believes there is only so long we can delay the problems until they become too much for ourselves to handle.
Ryan, and Derek. "Effects of Overpopulation." Overpopulation in Africa. Web. 02 May 2010.
These authors take a very stretched "what could happen" view of the effects of overpopulation. Still they should not be taken lightly because they do have truth behind their views. They explain that with overpopulation leads to greater unemployment rates and a continually decreasing economy. They also talk about the depletion of resources and the more that will be consumed by 2050 with almost 8 billion people on the planet.
"The Population Control Controversy." Sustainable Living Articles. Web. 13 Apr. 2010.
This article brings up the question does anyone have the right to prevent others from creating life? The author believes the problem is in less developed countries that do not have access to birth control or other ways of preventing pregnancy. Also it is in these places that suffer the most from malnutrition and lack of food so curbing the population growth would help.
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